Website Designs by Val O'Connor
If you are interested in having a website designed for you, contact me:
If you need a domain name and/or a
hosting plan, go to:
Banner and Logo design available
Below are examples of my designs:
Everyone loves my website and I am so grateful to you and your encouragement. Thank you for my wonderful website. - Linda Lundell
Banners created for the following and websites no longer on the web:
"At last to have a current web site, yeah! - Pat" " It is so exciting to see your ideas come to life in our website! - Dana" "Val it looks great. You can tell you put a lot of work into it. - Sue" "Super duper job! I love it, great job. Thank you for being so patient. Well worth the wait when I see what you've done. I love it. - Pat" "I am stunned at how much work you've got done in just a few days. I love the photo gallery it is wonderful. The letters and the pictures of the soldiers are great and what I've thought should be on the site for a year. The events section is also really good. As far as I'm concerned you are doing a fabulous job and I'm glad to see a website we can be proud to give to all the people. - Sue" "VAL YOU ROCK!!!!!!" - Sue" "Thanks Val for doing such a fabulous job in such a short time! - Pat" "Terrific! You have been a very busy girl this week... - Karen" "It looks GREAT! - Patricia" "AWESOME! I never realized that kind of help was needed. GREAT web-site. Great job! - Jim" "Wow...that looks like it was a lot of work to do. What a great job.. - Linda" "It is beautiful. It should be sent around the whole country. - Helene" "The website is so lovely and colorful. What a nice cause to be involved in. - Corinne" "It's Gorgeous! - Norrie" "This looks awesome! I will definitely pass it on to everyone I know. Great Job! - Patricia"
Thanks for the new page, I love it. Your pages are like gifts! - Eric
Thank you so much for all your time and efforts in
creating a beautiful website, I'm proud to show it off to everyone. I highly
recommend them to you. toshie
Thank you - Glory Vernon
"Love my site- it is fabulous- what a great job-the colors are nice and readable. Thanks sooooo much-you are great." -Penni Rubin